Scottish Widows: A new take on prompt payments

If you or I pay a loan or a bill from a financial institution late, we will be charged penalties and interest. But when the ball is on the other foot, there is often a very liberal interpretation of prompt payment. Scottish Widows launched a series of Capital...

Report on insurance comparison sites

Today Competition and Markets Authority issued a report on insurance comparison sites. While the sites were generally good, one unnamed company was unsatisfactory and to quote the press release “We are also taking enforcement action where we suspect the law may...

Workplace Pensions

FCA require full disclosure of transaction cost from January 2018 Another important advance in transparency in pensions costs in workplace pensions – there should be no hidden charges and full comparability and transparency in all pension products so people can...

Peer to Peer Lending – The risks and reward

From BBC money box live 10 months ago, but still very relevant if you are planning to invest in peer to peer lending. Roger Gewolb spells out the risks. Rhydian Lewis of Ratesetter defends the risk as being low risk. 7 months later, Ratesetter , despite their...


Very topical FT article on peer to peer lending group – Zopa – have moved to a higher risk profile but the rewards are the same – caveat emptor

Dr Roger Gewolb on BBC Radio 4’s MoneyBox programme

Dr Roger Gewolb on BBC Radio 4’s MoneyBox programme, discussing the recent significant developments in Peer-to-Peer lending with presenter Paul Lewis and his other guest Christine Farnish, who chairs the Peer-to-Peer Finance Association. This covers the recently...